The two-storey HELLA booth, including a gigantic sun at the stand entrance, attracts everyone's attention at the R+T trade fair in Stuttgart: The company will be presenting its vision of the sun protection trade of the future over an area of 600 square metres. Presented for the first time , the new sales, dealer and exhibition concept proved to be a crowd-puller.
We had already allocated 130 presentation appointments for CUBE even before the trade fair commenced. The initial days of the fair exceeded our expectations – with several customers, the company will start the project planning phase immediately after the trade fair.
The showroom of the future – impressing end customers with emotions
With the new CUBE and WALL concepts, HELLA provides high-end, turnkey sales tools that promise to maximise sales for dealers, provide new opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling, increase the clearance rate and simplify purchasing.
The CUBE world of experience is not just a visual highlight – with an impressive mix of sound and light effects as well as a wide variety of individually and live triggered visualisations, the CUBE offers an innovative experience for all the senses for builders and architects. The entire HELLA range of sun protection for windows and façades as well as outdoor living will be on display as a shop-in-shop concept on 40 square metres of sales space. The focus here is always on the individual needs of the buyer and customer benefits.

Innovative leadership in all areas: What's new from the world of HELLA ONYX
The technology for digital control of the world of experience is a development of HELLA's own Automation and Control Technology. HELLA launched the ONYX control system around ten years ago and has continued to develop it ever since. Two new sensors will also be presented at the R+T trade fair. The sun and brightness sensor ONYX.TAG sun continuously measures the brightness and controls shading systems fully automatically according to a freely adjustable threshold value. The temperature and humidity sensor ONYX.TAG temperature is the perfect fully automatic temperature monitor for indoor areas. It continuously measures the current temperature as well as humidity and controls shading systems according to the range of temperatures between minus 20 to plus 60 degrees Celsius.
Strong partnership for innovation: HELLA and Gluetex
HELLA demonstrates that innovative strength is deeply entrenched in the company's DNA, not just by developing its own product innovations, but also as a sought-after testing and development partner. The company has been working with Gluetex, a leading company in the textile sun protection industry, for about one year. Their new TRail technology, which won gold in the “Textile sun protection” category of the R+T Innovation Award and the jury's special prize, has tested its new patent on HELLA products and exhibited it at the trade fair.