A raw material with added value: All outdoor blinds use slat belts with 80% aluminium recycled content. This is made up of about two thirds of the rolling mill's own process scrap and about one third of purchased, external scrap.
Clean energy from our own sources: The company produces more energy at its headquarters than is consumed thanks to its own hydroelectric power plant and participation in a biomass heating plant. As early as 1985, HELLA took an important step towards reducing the company's ecological footprint with the construction of its own hydroelectric power plant. In 1986, the company-own power station with an annual capacity of 12 mio. kWh went into service. It harnesses the natural power of streams about two kilometres from the head office. This generates more energy than is needed for production at the site.
New production halls have been built in low-energy construction since 2005.
Power from nature: As early as 1986, the company's own power plant with an annual capacity of twelve million kilowatt hours went into operation. It harnesses the natural power of the streams, which are around two kilometres away.

Energy saving with sun protection
Effective sun protection reduces solar energy by up to 90%, thus keeping a room about 10 degrees cooler.
Sun protection products have a clear advantage over air conditioning systems when it comes to sustainability. The latter not only consume energy, but also directly contribute to the warming of the urban space through the warm exhaust air. Cooling a room with air conditioning system, for example, requires the same energy as heating it by 30 degrees.
Systemic sun protection is essential for building energy consumption: less heating in winter and less cooling in summer is the motto! Depending on the building, construction age category and the proportion of window area, automated sun protection can save up to 30 percent of heating energy. In case of cooling, savings of up to 50 percent are also possible.
Conscious use of daylight can save up to 80 percent of lighting energy.